What are the best digger attachments for landscapers?


Now the warmer weather is upon us, let’s hope it stays. There is certainly one sector that will see a huge increase in their workload, landscapers. The amount of households wanting their gardens to look summer ready will definitely be on the rise. So which digger attachments should companies invest in? Let’s take a look at Masterhitch’s top picks….

So which digger attachments should you invest in?

There are just over 19,600 landscaping companies currently trading within the UK alone. That’s a lot of businesses that could be benefiting from better digger attachments, or need to grow their fleet of equipment. Here at Masterhitch Europe Ltd, we like to make everything simple for our customers including listing the best options for all landscapers!


Just as it says on the tin, but a larger, more powerful rake suitable for a digger. Power rakes make clearing brambles, debris and any overgrown shrubs simple. If you’re working on land that hasn’t been well looked after, it could be very time consuming clearing the grounds before work can begin. 

Masterhitch power rakes have been designed with 6 tines for optimum, efficient use. They have also been made from the best quality British standard steel to extend the life and durability of the digger attachment. 


Kicking off the list is probably the most conventional, and obvious digger attachment. Digger buckets can be used for more than just making digging a whole lot easier. 

Not only that, there are various digger buckets to choose from at Masterhitch. Whether you require a tilting bucket, standard pin bucket, or even a trapezoidal bucket, they can come in handy for a multitude of tasks. Typically, operators can use buckets to:

  • Digging and moving soil and other materials
  • Lifting rocks and heavier material
  • Grading soil and other surfaces
  • Digging trenches perfect for the installation of water pipes

View all of our digger buckets available here. Be sure to check which one would be best for any landscaping requirements. 


Our Masterhitch concrete pourer is a more obscure attachment that is bespoke made by us. Not only will you be using a unique digger attachment, it can also come in hand for numerous tasks including pouring concrete, filling up a pond with water, and lifting up large quantities of materials.

The concrete pourer attachment is made as standard to fit machines for 8 tonnes to 24 tonnes. They can also be designed with the facility for either standard pin or ‘Quick Hitch’ attachment.


Will trees need to be planted or even removed from the ground? The Masterhitch tree shears are perfect for forestry and site clearance projects. Landscapers can make use of the solid metal clamps that can easily grip onto trees to safely remove them. Operators can also cut through trees up to 12 inches in diameter with the fitted blade. 

The tree shear attachment is made as standard to fit 13 and 20 tonne machines, however if a smaller or larger attachment is required, we would be more than happy to assist. We can create digger attachments to suit your specifications. 

Looking to buy a digger?

So you’ve found the perfect digger attachments for the task at hand, but have you got the machinery required? We’ve also got you covered!

BuyADigger, a sister company within the H.E. Group is responsible for selling on any used construction machinery previously purchased for Diggerland Theme Park and H.E. SERVICES (Plant Hire) Ltd

All of the machines for sale are guaranteed the following:

  • Low hours
  • Excellent condition
  • Worldwide shipping is available
  • Machines are fully serviced before they are sold
  • One month warranty covering all major parts and components

BuyADigger have a range of used diggers, rollers, dumpers, telehandlers and backhoe loaders for sale. The team are industry experts and can assist with any queries you may have. Call the team to discuss your plant requirements on 01634 779123.

Need additional construction training

Are you thinking of renovating your own back or front garden and need some construction machinery training?

Our sister company Diggerland Plant Training School is home to NPORS training and refresher courses. Should you need to brush up your  existing knowledge, or you’re looking to operate a new type of construction machinery then the Diggerland Plant Training School team are the instructors you need to contact. Choose from a range of:

  • Excavator courses
  • Roller courses
  • Dumper truck courses
  • Telehandler courses
  • Health and safety courses

With courses running 7 days a week between 8am and 5pm, there has never been a better time to sign up for some additional learning. Email the team or call: 01634 295355.

Contact the Masterhitch team today

Get in touch with Masterhitch today if you’re interested in finding out more about our Masterhitch digger attachments. Give us a call on: 01634 290022 or email the team. We are more than happy to advise you on any of our products and assist where needed.