Monthly Archives: October 2022

Which Bespoke Excavator Attachments Work Best with a Mini Digger?


The mini digger is a machine that is often overlooked due its size. However don’t let that stop you realising how powerful it actually can be. Especially with the right bespoke excavator attachments!  This week we take a look at how a mini digger could be used to its full potential, which digger attachments are […]

The Best Digger Attachments in the UK

Ram Guards for Construction Plant Machinery

Want the low down on the best digger attachments in the UK? You’ve come to the right place! At Masterhitch Europe Ltd, we’ve been in the digger attachment business for over 30 years and when it comes to knowledge and expertise, we know our stuff. BUCKETS Starting with the most universal digger attachments you can […]